I had one of the Clutch Nation send me an article from back in the 90s in my early playing days that made headline in the sports world and was the main story for ESPN for a week. I was having my normal domination game when a player on the other team asked me during a timeout for my autograph. I told him that it wasn't acceptable to ask this during a game which he responded in anon-professional way. I told the player to not be in the lane next time down or he will be dunked on. Once we came out of timeout, they had the ball and drove to the lane which I was able to pin the shot against the backboard with 2 hands and came down the court. When I looked ahead, there was this guy shouting that he is waiting. I ended up taking off about 6-7 feet from the rim and slammed it in with a power slam. We fell to the floor and that's when I realized that I had came in so hard, my male parts were actually lodged in this poor guys throat. He was actually suffocating and with the quick reaction by all involved we were able to pull myself out of his throat. They ended up taking him to the hospital and later learned his name was Ray or Russell Johnson. I tried to keep up with him over the years but he never liked talking or being near me because he said it brought back a taste in his mouth that brought him back to that play. He has tried to replicate that taste with others but he said its never the same. So there you go, that is the story of the time a guy almost suffocated after being dunked on.
